Saturday, May 8, 2010

Yet more lambs!

While my ewes have been busy lambing, I have been busy fighting a sinus infection. I dislike being sick and this sinus infection is kicking my butt! Well, on to more fun things like LAMBS!!

Another two sets of twins!!

Milehaus Clare had a lovely set of twins, but ...

her second born ram lamb wandered off and when we got the three of them into a jug, Clare decided he was not hers and we could not make her have him. So, we have a bottle lamb....

But ...

Willow Garden Adella had a set of twins (ram and ewe lambs)

later that day and
I whisked the abandoned ram lamb into the barn, smothered him in her
fluids, set him behind her and ...

Adella now has triplets!! She is an awesome first time mom
and is attentive to all three!


Mallt said...

If the ram lamb is the black bodied of these two you could call him Chaplin because the black on the upper lip looks like a Charlie Chaplin moustache!

Vicki Foster said...

Oh, that's good! That is the ram lamb!!!