Saturday, January 30, 2010


Does the Universe think I need more patience?? Or am I having just another bad day?

Apparently, my 2009 Chev Silverado 1/2 ton did NOT get the memo that vehicles should never automatically lock when the keys are in the ignition and running...... hum-de-dum ..... so now I wait for AMA to arrive to unlock the beast.

I'll post later about the rescue mission my husband and I undertook this past week, for now, I wait!!!

Just for fun, here is a picture of our cat, Haley, hiding her head - for shame?? - just because?? We will never know, but it was the funniest thing we have seen in ages from this 14 year old!!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Spinning and project planning

REMINDER!! I am a very novice spinner, at least on a wheel.

This is what is on the wheel. It is store bought fibre, but it is so yummy and I just LOVE the colour(s)! I am hoping to get this done soon so I can get some home grown Shetland on the wheel. I have a lovely Shaela fleece just begging to get out of the bag.

This is what I want to make out of the homespun once it is finished! I would like to get it finished before this years Fibre Week at Olds College. I am hoping I can schedule a trip to the Black Sheep Gathering in June, but it all depends on work ... keep your fingers crossed!!!!